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Ralf Lauren的童裝櫥窗,擺設得有點意思。
Ralf Lauren的童裝櫥窗,擺設得有點意思。

途中本想在慶春路的書店停下逛逛,奈何拖延糾結中就過去了。好在萬象城也有家實體書店,Page One。它售賣的淨是些小資情調的書,什麼室內設計啦、烹飪飲食啦、文史哲啦,有很多英文書。

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Diary (Sep 4, 2010)

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The book From Calculus to Cohomology by Madsen looks a nice book. Well, it’s the first time I saw an introduction to topology from CALCULUS so I believe it amazing. Maybe I am too ignorant in mathematics.

I’m studying Commutative Algebra and Topology recently. As far as I’m concerned, categories are fundamental in mathematics so I’m particularly fond of algebra in favor of the concept of category. I saw some one says geometry and topology structures are much more interesting than algebra structures. I don’t understand it very much. Maybe in my mind all structures are algebraic. Well, maybe when we adopt measures and Cauchy sequences we are entering the field of Analysis, Geometry and Topology? Actually in my heart it is still algebraic. I think continuity doesn’t mean non-algebra. Continue reading “Diary (Sep 4, 2010)”

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