It seems that the picture is from tumblr. It was written in English, and became more verbose when translated to Chinese. But are all the words necessary? The original writer could be attracting attentions by such verbosity.
And many of the words (including but not restricted to the ones I know) aren’t curious at all.
waldeinsamkeit = wald + einsamkeit = forest + loneliness = 林中孤獨(孤感?)
почемучка = почему + чка = 爲什麼 + 指小的後綴,實則專指小孩,《简明俄汉词典》的“小問號”之譯乃至勝過原詞。
木漏れ日 = 木(樹) +漏れ(漏れる)+ 日(太陽),譯作漢語也許去掉假名即可。
dépaysement = dépayse(r) + ment,化dépayser(離鄉,或者「遷」我看就行)爲名詞。有的詞典作好感,有的詞典作不適,還有一「流放」的廢意。「離鄉」之類也是古意。
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